Usually W-G-N and Mutual treat the "Queen for a Day," selected on the program by that name, to a round of meeting celebrities and a tour of night life. Today the out of town queen selected a few days ago in Hollywood, is an 84 year old woman, Mrs. Anna Rehrman, 171 N. Mason av., who cannot stand such a whirl because of her age. So W-G-N is giving her a party in her home, with stars of theater, radio and the concert stage to entertain her.

Joining In the festivities will be Nell Hamilton, star of "State of the Union"; Bernardine Flynn of Mutual's Vic and Sade; Dick [Two Ton] Baker, W-G-N music maker, and Evelyn Novotna, young concert and operatic soprano. Harold Isbell who conducts W-G-N's Funny Paper Party on Sundays will be master of ceremonies. The neighbors will be invited in. Mrs. Rehrman will be showered with gifts from radio stars unable to attend the party including Marion Claire, Tommy Bartlett, June Baker, and Jimmie Costello among others.

W-G-N is adding another series to its list of outstanding musical programs. At 9 p.m. Thursday the station will introduce Music in the Night, featuring the W-G-N orchestra directed by Robert Trendler. Favorite melodies of yesterday and today, popular songs, show tunes and novelties will be featured. W-G- N's other major musical shows are the Chicago Theater of the Air at 9 p.m., Saturday; the Chicago Philharmonic orchestra concerts at 9:30 p.m. Tuesday, and the Northerners concert at 9:30 pm Wednesday.

© Chicago Tribune, July 2, 1946

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